The Kingdom of God (by Eng Hoe)
This course focuses on what the kingdom of God is. You may be surprised!
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Welcome to The Kingdom of God Course!
Your Kingdom Come Series - Introduction Video
The Good News IS the Kingdom of God
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 1: The Good News IS the Kingdom of God
Kingdom Lesson 1 Quiz
How is the Kingdom of God good news? (Part 1)
How is the Kingdom of God good news? (Part 2)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 2: How is the Kingdom of God Good News?
Quiz: Kingdom Lesson 2 - How is the Kingdom of God good news? (Quiz)
How can we understand the Kingdom of God? (Part 1)
QUIZ: Kingdom Lesson 3 - How Can We Understand the Kingdom of God?
How can we understand the kingdom of God? (Part 2)
THINK/ACT: Spectacles and Vision
How can we understand the kingdom of God? (Part 3)
THINK/ACT: The Importance of New Wineskins
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 3 - How Can We Understand the Kingdom of God?
THINK/ACT: Four Key Questions
What is the problem? (Part 1)
What is the Problem? (Part 2)
Recapping Kingdom 4A: What is the Problem?
Quiz: Kingdom Lesson 4A & B
What is God's solution? (Part 1)
What is God's solution? (Part 2)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 5A & B
Quiz: Kingdom Lesson 5, What Is God's Solution?
The advance of God's kingdom - when and where (Part 1)
The advance of God's kingdom - when and where (Part 2)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 6: The Advance of God's Kingdom
Two frequently asked questions - "Isn't the kingdom inside us?) (Part 1)
Two frequently asked questions - "Didn't Jesus say the Kingdom is not of this world?" (Part 2)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 7: Two Frequently Asked Questions
What does the coming of God's kingdom mean for us? (Part 1)
What does the coming of God's kingdom mean for us? (Part 2)
What does the coming of God's kingdom mean for us? (Part 3)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 8: What does the Coming of God's Kingdom Mean for Us?
Restoration to original design (Part 1)
Restoration to original design (Part 2)
Restoration to original design (Part 3)
Restoration to original design (Part 4)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 9: Restoration to Original Design
What does it mean for the world? (Part 1)
What does it mean for the world? (Part 2)
What does it mean for the world? (Part 3)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 10: What Does it Mean for the World?
What does it mean for the church? (Part 1)
What does it mean for the church? (Part 2)
What does it mean for the church? (Part 3)
What does it mean for the church? (Part 4)
What does it mean for the church? (Part 5)
What does it mean for the church? (Part 6)
Recapping Kingdom Lesson 11 - What Does it Mean for the Church?