Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction and Acknowledgement

    • Course Workbook Downloads

  • 2

    Session One: The Power of Story / Why Knowing Your Own Story is Essential

    • Session One: The Power of Story (Video)

    • The Power of Story Workbook Downloads

  • 3

    Session Two: Home at Last / Why Honesty and Vulnerability are Prerequisites to Discovering and Pursuing God’s Purpose for Your Life

    • Session Two: Home at Last (Video)

    • Home at Last Workbook Downloads

  • 4

    Session Three: Unleashing Your Story / How to Overcome Toxic Emotions and Limiting Beliefs

    • Session Three: Unleashing Your Story (Video)

    • Unleashing Your Story Workbook Downloads

  • 5

    Session Four: Wounded Healers / How to Experience More of God’s Love

    • Session Four: Wounded Healers (Video)

    • Wounded Healers Workbook Downloads

  • 6

    Session Five: Knowing Your True Worth / Appreciating Your Intrinsic Value, and Discovering How God has Uniquely Gifted You to Serve and Bless Others

    • Session Five: Knowing Your True Worth (Video)

    • Knowing Your True Worth Workbook Downloads

  • 7

    Session Six: The Importance of Vision / Living for Something Greater Than Yourself

    • Session Six: The Importance of Vision (Video)

    • The Importance of Vision Workbook Downloads

  • 8

    Session Seven: Living on the Forward Edge / How to Keep Saying “Yes” to God’s Plan for Your Life

    • Session Seven: Living on the Forward Edge (Video)

    • Living on the Forward Edge Downloads

  • 9

    Wrap Up!

    • Before you go...